

Kisumu, Kenya

Alara Primary School

Some basic statistics:

  • 420 primary children (aged 7 to 14)
  • 87 nursery children
  • 10 children with special needs
  • 9 class rooms (8 in the primary school)
  • 14 teachers and assistant staff.

The current staff room in the school measures about 8 feet by 5 feet. Totally impractical. The head teacher's office is also very small.

Alara School therefore requested funds for a new administration block. Total cost £4,053.00.

Alara School Kenya On September 24th, we received the following photos from Alara School. Work has begun!

An important occasion!
Prayers and breaking of the ground by sponsor of the school Rev. Washington Onyuku (of AIC). Present at the site are the Assistant Chief, community representatives, teachers, head teacher Mrs Perez Oliech (right), and the Deputy head teacher Mr Tom Sabwa (third from left).

Measuring and marking of the foundation. On site, the labourers, Deputy Head Teacher Tom, and the Head Teacher Perez. (In the background are some of the school classrooms).
Foundation digging, being watched by Tom and the Head Teacher Perez.

By the time of our visit on 20th October 2007, they were well under way with the building!

Gay Neep, Tom Sabwa and Head Teacher Mrs Perez Oliech stand by the front door of the new administration block.
Gay Neep, TPerez and Tom discuss the building.
Labourers are from the local community. The bricks are made just down the road by locals.

It is imortant that local people are employed in the project.

The Head Teacher's new office.
The new staff room
Deputy Head Teacher Tom Sabwa's new office.
The walls grow while we watch!

And by the end of the week, the lintels are cast (in situ), and it is almost ready for the roof!

Looking along the front of the building, with the front door on the left.

A covered walkway will be along the front, with a roof supported by the three pillars.

One end and the rear.

A two unit toilet block is yet to be built attached the the rear of the building.

Proper flush toilets! Water will be collected from the main roof and stored in a tank on the roof of the toilet block.

The main door will have an archway above it.

Next: The new school for Alara!

If you would like to help us with this project, then please click on the "Donate" button.
Payments are accepted securely though Paypal in any currency.
No matter how small, we really appreciate your donations, and the Kenyans will too!
Remember, we don't take anything out of the fund for our trips and expenses, nothing comes out for administration costs. Every penny of donations gets put to good, direct use.

If you fancy coming with us on one of our future trips to Kisumu, then let us know. We'll not hide the fact that you will pay for your trip expenses, the hotel where we stay in Kisumu isn't 5 star (its cheap and basic, but OK), you will need lots of innoculations, and you will eat basic food. But, you will have a life-changing experience, and you will want to go back again and become even more involved.

Contact us by email at info@helpkenyakids.org
Cheques payable to "R Neep - Kenya Fund"

Our Kenya Children Sponsorship

Rod & Gay Neep
51 St. Whites Road, Cinderford, Gloucestershire GL14 3DF, England

email: info@helpkenyakids.org

Phone: +44 (0)1594 829412
Fax : +44 (0) 1594 829298