CHIGA 2007
Kisumu, Kenya
We first became involved with the Grandparents with Orphans project at Chiga,
Kisumu when we made a visit there early in 2006.
Below is listed a project report of objectives for 2007 as provided by Betty
Mutere. It is stated as received. Now, you will identify some items on this
list which you may think are unsuitable to sponsor, and frankly, we do too.
However, they do include many meaningful and worthwhile items. We believe
that we need to be selective, and cater for just some of these requests.
Chiga OrphansDevelopment Project-Kenya
2007 Budget
By: Betty Mutere
Below is the budget corresponding to the identified objectives and activities
for the year 2007
Objective One: Revival of Baby Orphans Centre
Priority Requirements:
Sinking new toilet : 10,000/= £73
Fencing of compound with gate : 20,000/= £147
Plaster and Painting of Classroom : 15,000/= £110
Installing playground equipment : 55,000/= £404
Semi-permanent kitchen facility : 15,000/= £110
Establishment of Solar power : 35,000/= £257
TV/ VCR for educational programmes : 20,000/= £147
Sub total: 170,000/= £1,249
Objective Two: launch of Youth Orphans Development Programmes
Priority Requirements
Launch of Dressmaking programme
a. Purchase of 2 machines : 20,000/= £147
b. Purchase of materials and accessories : 10,000/= £73
c. Training fees for first 3 months : 9,000/= £66
Launch of Hairdressing training programme : 6,000/= £44
Launch of Piki-piki Transport training programme:
a. (see cost of piki piki below)
b. Trainer fees 3 months : 6,000/= £44
Sub total: 51,000/= £375
Objective Three: Sustainability of orphans Development Centre
Priority Requirements
Water pump and generator + pipes: 20,000/= £147
Play station : 31,000/= £227
Small bodaboda motorcycle : 80,000/= £586
Sub total: 131,000/= £960
The income generating activities below have the capacity to
· Sustain the ECD teachers
· Maintain the ECD cook
· Pay for weekly visits of clinician
· Maintain purchase of supply of essential drugs
· Maintain horticulture programme for enhanced food access
· Pay kitchen garden worker
· Pay vocational training instructor (hair dressing + dress making)
· Maintain childrens feeding programme
· Help initiate poultry-keeping project
GRAND TOTAL: 352,000/= £2,585
If you could also bring along some toys, educational books, video and audio
tapes for the baby orphans centre, that are available in UK but not
in Kenya, I would be extremely grateful .
If funds are extremely limited, and if there is only ONE THING that we can
get, then I request the small motorcycle as it has the capacity to bring
in at least ksh. 12,000 each month, (ksh 400 per day profit) which we can
stretch to slowly fulfill the other needs.
Update 29th October
We are very sorry to have to announce that our support for the Grandparents
with Orphans project at Chiga will cease.
We have not been able to donate more money for Chiga during our October 2007
We found that here have been no children at the unit for over a year.
The money that we paid for land, ploughing and seeds has been wasted. They
had one crop, and it stopped there, with no further crops being planted.
The money Ksh 30,000/- (£221.00) that we donated to purchase a cow was
wasted and not accounted for. There was no cow, despite the fact that we
had been sent a photograph of a cow.
The proposed plans for hairdressing and dressmaking programs was not for
Chiga, but for another project in the city of Kisumu, and was not carefully
thought out. The idea of buying a motorcycle to provide earnings for Chiga
was not feasible, and we doubted that it would help Chiga in any way.
Therefore we very reluctantly decided to cease providing more funds for Betty
Mutere for her project.
It has been a learning curve for us, where we have seen that money can be
used in a more structured and transparent way by a tried and trusted team
of local people within a community (such as the schools at Dago Kokore and
Alara), where it is being monitored.