Alara Primary School
Some basic statistics:
420 primary children (aged 7 to 14)
87 nursery children
10 children with special needs
9 class rooms (8 in the primary school)
14 teachers and assistant staff.
October 2007
This is the original old primary school at Alara
The school was built in 1939
The entrance track from the road, with a lovely jaracanda tree with purple
The building on the left is the single room for 97 infant children.
Class 2
(October 2007)
In the foreground is a water tank that collects rain from the roof.
Children in school on a Saturday morning.
Note the wooden window frames with shutters and wire mesh. There is no
glass (and no security). |
October 2007
Class 8
These are the children aged 14 and 15 who will be taking their final school
examinations in November before leaving school.
Very few will have the opportunity to go to secondary school. But thanks
to the generosity of our supporters, five of the orphan children from this
class will go to the secondary school for four years. Fees paid by us! (School
fees are currently £500 per child for the four years).
Deputy Head Teacher Tom Sabwa with some of the children aged 13. |
Head Teacher Perez
She currently works in an extremely small office.
The trophy on the desk is an award for the school coming second in the exam
results last year for this district of Kenya.
Note the phone! We paid for the installation of this radio phone in the summer
of 2007. |
The track to the road from the school.
Some of the 14 to 15 year old girls.
Uniforms for the girls cost Ksh 500/= (£3.69)
Uniforms for the boys cost Ksh 600/- (£4.42)
October 2007
The current staff room. It measures about 8 feet x 5 feet !
The school - built in 1939 |
Some of the teachers. |
General view of the school from the playing field. |
Tom (Deputy Head) and Perez (Head Teacher) |
Perez and Tom with Gay Neep.
Next : Oct 2007 Visit - New Admin Block |
If you would like to help us with this project, then please click on the
"Donate" button.
Payments are accepted securely though Paypal in any currency.
No matter how small, we really appreciate your donations, and the Kenyans
will too!
Remember, we don't take anything out of the fund for our trips and expenses,
nothing comes out for administration costs. Every penny of donations gets
put to good, direct use.
If you fancy coming with us on one of our future trips to Kisumu, then let
us know. We'll not hide the fact that you will pay for your trip expenses,
the hotel where we stay in Kisumu isn't 5 star (its cheap and basic, but
OK), you will need lots of inoculations, and you will eat basic food. But,
you will have a life-changing experience, and you will want to go back again
and become even more involved.
Contact us by email at
Cheques payable to "R Neep - Kenya Fund"