Our Sponsored Children, and the Kenya Project.The 2005 ProjectBut it doesn't stop there! In total, from the sale of that one CD in 2004, we didn't raise just £600 - we raised £3,000 !So we have a new project on the way already |
How fortunate are we? Here we are, enjoying the benefits of comfortable homes, good food, and luxuries such as computers and the internet, and not the least, good education for our children. We think nothing about spending £14.00 on a CD of an old book, and here at Archive CD Books I am prepared to buy expensive equipment, and old books costing many hundreds of pounds. Not everyone in the world is so fortunate. We've all seen examples on the television, and at times, it brings a lump to our throats and tears to our eyes. What happens there in third world countries when the TV crews have gone home, and we get on with our lives? Those people we have seen stay there, and get on with their lives too. A small donation can make a huge difference, especially if that donation is made direct and not soaked up by administrative costs. That's what the Archive CD Books Supporters have been doing.
Who would have thought that the sale of this CD could not only have provided concrete floors for all the class rooms, but also go almost all of the way to building a new school? A NEW CD FOR THE 2005 PROJECT
WE ARE HELPING TO BUILD AN INFANT SCHOOLIn Kenya, an Infant School (they call it "nursery") is for 3 to 7 year olds - that is not free. Only parents who can afford it can send their children to infant school - and of course, that is few. The infant classes at Dago Kokore School (with 100 children in three classes) meet in the local church. That's a very small building with just one room, and everything has to be cleared out at the weekends and whenever there is a mid-week church meeting. There is simply no way that they could afford to put up a brand new building alongside the primary school for these 3 to 7 year olds. Funds from the government for that are just not there. Until now that is! They can do it now! That's because of the extra money that we raised by the sale of that CD in 2004. We were aiming to sell 60 CDs at £10 and raise £600, but instead we ended up with £3,000 in total. And that extra is almost enough to build a three classroom building alongside the existing school. So we already succeeded!
And these will be some of the real recipients - some of the young children, seen here in one of their lessons. Note how crowded they all are, and with no tables. (The wall posters are made from used feed sacks).
Above: Zadok Obiero, the head teacher, proudly standing on the site already chosen for the new building. He's still clutching the envelope with the cheque! Actually, he was so pleased that he wanted to show the place immediately where he had dreamed of having the new school building. (On the right is the end of the existing primary school).
Above: About half of the children from the nursery classes were quickly gathered together to pose on the site of their new school. Thank you, thank you, thank you.... to all the supporters of Archive CD Books, who, by buying one CD have made it possible to build a new nursery school at Dago Kokore.Do we need more money to complete it? Not yet. The money donated so far is enough to pay for all the materials for the foundations, walls, floors and roof, (and the local families, staff and children will be involved in providing the labour to do it). A fortune such as this goes a long way in Kenya. But we shall have another promotion later in the year to see the job to completion. We succeeded again!
Rod Neep
BUY THE 2005
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